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Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Road Trip!

Tomorrow (Thursday) Sandy has a follow up appointment with the surgeon in Kansas City. Next Monday she will return to Kansas City for an appointment with an oncologist. And next Wednesday (15th) she and Rod will travel to MD Anderson in Texas. They will be in Texas at least through Monday, October 20. She is thankful for the opportunity to have her case examined by a team of experts, who will all work together to formulate the best possible plan.

If you know of fun activities to do in Houston, please let Sandy know via text, email, or comment on this post. They will have several days of "down time" - and neither of them are accustomed to that!!

Today was a pretty good day, though Sandy was tired - due primarily to being up since 4am. One of her favorite parts of today was sharing a piece of homemade poppyseed cake (made with homegrown and freshly ground poppyseed!) with a friend who stopped by. The most disappointing thing about today for her was losing all three rounds of the card game Phase 10. Those grandkids are ruthless!


Please pray for miraculous healing, wisdom for everyone involved, safe travels to KC (twice) and TX, peace, and fun memories. Thank you for being such a consistent support during this season.


  1. Prayers coming, Melissa. Thank you for this update. Love to you all!

  2. I am so happy that you are going to MD Anderson . We take our little girl to Texas Children's Hospital which is right next to MD Anderson. At the hotel that we stay at we have met many people who travel to MDA to see the doctors there. All of them have told us how grateful they are for MDA and how much it has helped them. Many of the hotels in the hospital center have free shuttles to the clinics and hospitals so that you don't have to find a place to park- we have been very grateful for that. As far as things to do , we went to the aquarium once which was kind of a neat place.
    Continued prayers to you for healing. Prayers for your doctors to have wisdom.
    Laura Bergman

  3. Also, the local hotels give discounts if you let them know you are there for medical appointments. Let me know if you would like more info about the hotels we have stayed in.

  4. If you feel strong enough, Johnson Space Center is one of my favorite places in Houston. It is Mission Control after all! My favorite quote from Apollo 13 is "Failure is not an Option". May this also be true for you in your "mission". Sorry to act like a science person, which I am! Grace and Peace, Mary Robillard

  5. Sandy thank you so much for calling today. We will be praying for all of you and the medical staff that will be taking care of you! Love you all so much!
