Link to January 2015 video:

Link to September 2016 video:

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Stomach drained

We haven't known what to post on here for awhile, in part because nothing new has happened. Those of you who have talked to Sandy know that the summer was pretty rough. While there were definitely things for which to be grateful, memories made, and better days here and there, overall it was plain hard. Sandy continued to have immense abdominal discomfort, with minimal hope of improvement, of course other than God's miraculous healing. Appointments would be scheduled two or more weeks out, then a procedure or test a few weeks after that, never resulting in improvement. This week she had a test that determined that not only was her stomach full of "stuff" that had been there far too long, but there is a blockage preventing food from traveling as it should in her system. Friday afternoon she had her stomach drained. In case you were wondering, that is not a fun experience. It took five attempts for the tube to reach the proper place, and it was a painful process each time. She later said that it was the most painful thing she has experienced to date...and that is saying a lot. One overnight stay was guaranteed, and we are hoping that is the extent of this visit. Hopefully today (Saturday) the doctors will place a stent to keep the intestines open. The other option is a surgery that of course comes with its own risks. There is a chance that the stent, if it is the route doctors decide to take, won't be placed until next week since we're now into the weekend. You can imagine her lack of excitement about that possibility.

Please pray for her healing, comfort, placement of the new stent, quick recovery and release, and for her to see the good God is bringing out of this new development. We know He always brings good, though we're not promised to see it.

Sandy requested not to have visitors at this point, as she first needs to feel stronger.

All along this journey she has chosen faith, courage, and thankfulness. Those are still her choices, though it is harder right now. It reminds me of the Bible story of Moses, in Exodus 17 -- as long as Moses held up his hands, the Israelites were winning the battle. But when his hands grew tired and lowered, the Israelites began to lose. So Aaron and Hur held up his hands until the battle was over. We have the opportunity to hold up Sandy's hands right now. We can pray for strength, stamina, peace, courage, determination - all of the things we've seen God display in her life. And we can strive to demonstrate those qualities in our own lives, that others may see God's power in us.

We'll update as things progress. Thanks for your continued support and friendship.

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