Link to January 2015 video:

Link to September 2016 video:

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Home again

Sandy's back home! She had a great team of doctors and nurses during her stay at Wesley. They agreed to let her go home this evening, which allows her to give her final exam tomorrow morning. Few people are excited about not missing a final...Sandy is one of them :)

She'll be on antibiotics for a few weeks to combat the bacteria that have caused this latest set of problems. She'll continue to feel better as the medicines work in her system.  Each of these episodes is a big deal, even though there have been so many by this point that they feel somewhat routine. Sometimes it's good to have a new set of eyes on her case to remind us that while she is a walking miracle, we're not out of the woods by any means. Either way, we're thankful for another positive outcome.

Thanks for your continued prayers!

Bed and Breakfast...kind of.

Sandy had a drain exchange the day after returning from Texas in March. Five days later it was blocked, so she had another one put in. 22 days later it, too, was blocked, so she had yet another drain exchange. That brings us to this weekend...while we always hope she feels great after an exchange, all too often she ends up with a high fever and infection. Today (Saturday) she progressively felt worse and worse. So she's back at Wesley, at least overnight. Please pray for her healing, for cooperative insurance people, and for her team of doctors to figure out a solution to this recurring problem.