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Thursday, May 28, 2015


Rod and Sandy returned home from MDA late Wednesday night. Thankfully, they avoided the flooding in Texas and "only" had to deal with Dallas traffic.

Tuesday's test results were very good. The cancer marker from the blood test was normal! The scan showed that the tumor, while still there, was darker, which usually indicates that the cancer cells are dying from inside the tumor. The doctor said that is a sign that the chemo is working. The hundreds of you who have been praying may have another theory ;)

The stent is in the right place, though it is showing preliminary signs of blockage. They'll keep an eye on her labs the next several weeks. While she's not eager for another stent replacement, it is a much preferred option over a blockage.

Her bilirubin level has been surprisingly good lately. We hope that continues.

She was successful in convincing the doctor to allow her to wait six months before returning to MDA. In three months, she'll have scans done here in town. If the positive changes continue over the next six months, she will go on a maintenance plan, which may include decreasing dosage, type, and/or frequency of chemo.

We are so thankful! And perhaps even giddy! Let's thank God for these results with the same earnestness with which we have prayed for healing. And let's remember that He is good, period, not good because of these answered prayers.

One more praise - Sandy's appetite has improved!

Thanks for your continued support.

In Sandy's words, "I think God wants me around a little while longer!"

1 comment:

  1. Of course He wants you around a little longer. No one gets those dendrites activated quite like you! :)

    Learned a "new" multiplication technique today. It is Japanese and uses diagonal lines. It was quite interesting.
