Link to January 2015 video:

Link to September 2016 video:

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Rough going

Sandy is not feeling well. This has been going on for quite some time, and there isn't a known solution yet. Between abdominal pressure and pain, weakness, and overall just feeling gross, she is struggling. This week she had a drain replaced due to a blockage. A CT scan revealed additional lesions on the liver. One medication was increased to hopefully help with the discomfort she feels after eating. Discomfort is not a strong enough word, though she continues to strive to be positive and not complain. Maintaining a smile is both very beneficial and very tiring.

Please pray for physical comfort, quality sleep, ability to eat and absorb the nutrients, and for some doctor - any doctor! - to come up with a plan to help her.

She is teaching one class every day this month, and is working on plans for the fall semester.

Several people have asked how they can help...and she appreciates each offer. Right now she is able to do what she feels needs to be done, and she wants to be able to continue doing those things. She acknowledges the strong possibility of needing help down the road and will gratefully accept help when that time comes.

Thank you for your continued support.

1 comment:

  1. We continue to pray. We will be happy to help if she ever needs it!
