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Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Five Days and Counting!

It's early Wednesday morning, and Sandy is still at Wesley in the ICU. So far she had an EGD, an ultrasound, banding of two varices, and both drains exchanged. Her pain level is still an issue, and one of the medicines makes her pretty foggy. She worked very hard to finish grading finals and post grades by the deadline, but it will all have to wait a few days until she is able to think clearly for more than a few minutes at a time.  Perhaps the hardest part about that is when she knows she isn't thinking clearly but can't do anything about it!

While she is disappointed to still be here, she is glad not to be worrying about missing class. She has had amazing nurses who have become friends. Sandy has a selection of rice bag hand warmers up here, and she has given them to several people who have brought comfort to her during her stay.

The drains are currently hooked up to external bags that the nurses empty periodically. The bags are kind of a pain, but so far her drain sites have been doing better than they did the past several weeks. Several medical staff and doctors have come up to see how she's doing, whether or not they have direct input on her current care. Everyone wants to know how she's getting along!

We're not sure what needs to happen in order to be released, though for sure she needs to be ok, pain-wise, with only oral medications instead of a combo of IV pain meds and oral meds. She needs her labwork to remain normal, and she needs to gain strength.

Please pray for those things, as well as for a good night's sleep, clear thinking, and patience.

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