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Sunday, May 19, 2019

Retirement Celebration...Sandy Style!

The past few weeks have been extra full with end of semester activities, finals, and grading. The departments she works for at WSU each hosted a retirement reception; both were carefully planned out and very thoughtful. The support she continues to be shown speaks to the character of her colleagues, and she will definitely miss seeing them several times each week.

In addition to all of that, Sandy was working on the plans for her retirement reception scheduled for this morning at church. Her plans included baking dozens of cookies, something she enjoys doing. However, her body was rather uncooperative. Evenings were filled with significant pain that was not alleviated easily or quickly. Sleep was spotty. Drains were oozing. Discouragement threatened to overshadow the joy she has so fiercely protected.

Everything came to a head Friday (yesterday) morning, and Rod drove her to Wesley. She was admitted to ICU, given three units of blood and additional medications, and monitored with labwork. One question in everyone's mind was whether or not she would be able to attend the retirement celebration. After talking with the medical team and brainstorming options, it was decided that Sandy could be temporarily discharged, attend her celebration at church, eat lunch with family, and return to the hospital. People shook their heads with a mixture of disbelief and amusement that she, once again, was following an unorthodox path of hospital dismissal.

The retirement celebration was wonderful! Seeing so many friends, past and present colleagues and students, and family from both far and near was quite a treat, and Sandy cherished each moment. She had rice bag hand warmers for each person, with Psalm 86:17b tied to each one: "For you, O Lord, have helped me and comforted me."  Next to the pile of rice bags was the following note:

I am often cold these days, especially my hands. Warming a rice bag (or two or three!) in the microwave for 30 seconds has brought comfort on many occasions. When I think about comfort, I also think of each of you. 

You have brought comfort to me through calls, texts, emails, hugs, prayers, and acts of kindness and service.  In moments of weakness and doubt, I am encouraged by the love you show me.  

Please accept this gift of a rice bag hand warmer as a reminder of the blessings we receive both when we comfort others and when we allow ourselves to be comforted by others – and ultimately by God! 

At this moment, Sandy is back in her cozy ICU room, sipping chicken broth, joking with her fun evening nurse, taking a break from grading Trig finals, and getting ready for bed. Tomorrow afternoon she has an EGD scheduled, which will help doctors figure out the source of and solution for the pain. She is hoping for a dismissal, without strings, tomorrow late afternoon or evening.

Please join us in thanking God for answering our prayers about today's festivities with a "yes" and please continue praying for resolution of the current medical issues.

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